
How I met your boss (A tale as old as time)

Destination: Samu, Vatu-i-ra, Sea mounts, Wakaya, Namena, Vuya
Trip Date: Feb 15th - Feb 22nd, 2025 - Comments
Author: Clau&Chris
Welcome Back: Linea, Dan, Bruce and Heidi
Congratulations: Matt on his birthday; 17th of Feb

First charter of 2025, and not only are there new cruise directors aboard (Clau and Chris) but they were joined as well by the big bosses, Rob, Cat and Todd. Thanks to that, all the guests had first hand stories about dive site origins, ship’s back story, and for some lucky ones, the story of how Cat met Rob. (Hence the title) Awwwww. Between that, returning guests, and the vast experience all the guests brought to the table, it was an amazing trip full of sharing and learning!

Photo by Bruce - Big Mo and Rob

As any first charter of the year, there were some bumps along the way:

  • Dry O-rings in tank valves, which made everyone have a tinsy freakout: “What is wrong with my gear!?” Nothing. They just needed some extra lubrication but weren't really good at communicating.   
  • The impending doom of a cyclone which never arrived on time, thank God!
  • And a lot of fish gossip (not about the fish… the fish were sharing the gossip between themselves about us divers).


Photo by KJ-- Endemic anemone fish

Jen trmpet

Photo by Jen- Hiding trumpet fish in table coral

jen coral

Photo by Jen

jen clown

Photo by Jen - Clark Anemone fish

We did have the perfect combo of people on board to retaliate against the small mishaps. The banter and roasting between guests, crew, and bosses was so entertaining. Sense of humor goes a long way!

goat 1

Photo by Bruce - War of goat screaming

goat 2

Photo by Bruce Goat war goes on

war goat

Photo by Bruce Goat War

That mood was taken even by our Makogai locals on the island visit, in between all the dancing and kiddies hugging. It did help that Bruce came barring gifts; sling and troll toys for the little ones.


Photo by Jen - Bruce and his toys

Photo by Bruce - Jen and Rosie

We had some dreams come true on board as well:

  • a turtle swim along for Catherine.


Photo by Jen - Turtle resting

  • the sighting of an oceanic manta ray (or we were all on Magic Mushrooms, we are not sure yet).
  • and everyone having a blast around sharkies for full dives, which is anybody’s dream come true, right?

 matt shark

Photo by Matt - White tip reef shark

“Interesting” occurrences during the trip?

  • We found out that it takes a village to identify a fish, and even then, we are still on the fence: was it a juvenile Papuan scorpion fish or a Raggy scorpionfish? No consensus, yet we are ok with the mystery.
  • Randall’s gobies in the area are still waving their dorsal fins at any diver who merely looks at them… the little flirts.
  • At the end of a dive at Grand Central Station, divers were playing footsies with a remora who could not decide where to attach too: black fins, blue fins, or someone’s tummy?
  • Heidi pointed out the difference between midnight snapper and black snapper; yet we still have to ask them directly if they care if we get them confused. Thankfully their juveniles know how to stand out and proclaim their differences.
  • Riley (huge female reef manta) was sighted getting cleaned at Wakaya. She was named by Chad & Vanessa, putting her around a decade old, minimum. Beautiful girl.

matna jen

Photo by Jen - Riley our beautiful reef manta

  • Night divers avoided the blood worm’s lust on the second night dive of the trip, which was cause for celebration! The first night underwater was pretty intense and honestly, people felt those blood worms has gotten too close for comfort, in large amounts.

KJ lobster

Photo by KJ - Spiny lobster

  • FUN FACT! Linea explained how AVATAR the movie was inspired by the hard coral tables, such as the ones we enjoy at Hard Coral Wall at the sea mounts. It seems that James Cameron was quite the diver as well. (For those who didn’t know that little tid bit of information.)

hard coral

Photo by Matt - Hard coral!

hard coralrll

Photo by Matt


When asked; “Don’t think to much about it, tell me about the dive that “impressed” you the most.”

  • “Sticking my face into a field of coral”- Matt (Kansas & Oz)
  • “The aquarium at the top (of the bommie).”- Bianca (Magic Mushrooms)
  • "I love spending the last 20 minutes of my dive chilling on the top of the bommie, looking at the small fish and inventing the story of their lives. Then the jacks swwop in and act like the teachers, telling everyone to get back to school." - Alex (Cat's Meow)
  • "Just me and Jen sharing a turtle in the night." - Cheryl
  • "Being out in the blue with the fish swirling around. And the slower you breath, the closer they get" - Dan (Grand Central Station)

Photo by KJ - Marble shrimp 


Photo by KJ- Longnose hawkfish


Photo by KJ - Chromodoris Nudibranch


Photo by KJ - Dancing shrimp


Photo by KJ -  Orange spotted pipefish 


Photo by KJ - Banded boxer shrimp 


Photo by KJ - Whip coral cling fish


Photo by Matt - Chris and cotton candy jellyfish


Photo by Matt - Blue stripped fang blenny

Photo by Matt - Blue dragon


Photo by Matt - Elusive long nose filefish 


Photo by Matt - Squat lobster


Photo by Matt - Pigmy seahorse 

And for those divers who enjoy an alcoholic beverage YET want to remain alcohol free during trips. 

Linea shared a little extra for all who are interested: NEGRONI MOCKTAIL RECIPE

    1. 1 oz. of Wilfreds Bittersweet Aperitif
    2. 1 oz. of Gnista Floral Wormwood
    3. BOTH of those CHILLED
    4. Rock glass + ice + 1 oz. of Chinotto Italian soda + garnish with orange peel
    5. Sip and enjoy!


Photos by Bruce!

All in all, great fun and we hope (in some cases know!) that it won’t be the last time we see all these amazing people in Fiji!



“Joann & I had a remarkable experience here in Tonga! Our diving trips mostly entail liveaboard boats and this one was the best yet – great crew & great food! You are fortunate to have the ownership in place to allow you to do it right! We won’t easily forget our “Whale Week” on NAI’A – it’s a once-in-a-lifetime gig!!”

Terry & Joann

~ Terry & Joann